CD Pacienza nenna mia

Tracks contained in the disk and their origin:

1. Saltarello per zampogna (Molise)
2. Pacienza nenna mia (Lazio) ascolta 30'
3. Si te credisse (Campania) ascolta 30'
4. Oi nenna nenna (Campania)
5. Danza in minore (Campania)
6. Tarantella alla montemaranese (Campania)
7. Sia maledetta l'acqua (Campania) ascolta 30'
8. Tarantella del Gargano (Puglia) ascolta 30'
9. Tarantelle (Campania)
ascolta 30'


In this second work the group has intended to compare with the melodies and songs of the southern Italy tradition re-proposing, besides the pieces belonging to the repertory of their own research, some executions already diffused discographically in homage to the work of the Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare.